Wednesday, February 3, 2010

nick gets a niley letter.

A Niley fan has written nick a Niley letter and gave it to him during a meet and greet

letter wtitten by @nileylove34 (on twitter)

"Dear Nick,
On June 11th, 2006, you met a beautiful young woman named Miley. Youboth fell in love and dated for 1 1/2 years. On that day, all of us"Niley" fans unite and create youtube videos and have celebrations!
Why do we do this? because we believe that you and Miley are meant tobe together forever and always. But this won't work without YOUR help.I know that you still love her, and my Niley family knows that too! Soplease Nick, give Miley a call or something, because I know you feellike your loosing her to the Austrailian. But don't worry Nick, truelove always finds its way back. Face Miley on twitter agreed with me!Also, I would like to let you know about other issues going on. likeNiley and Nelena supporters are fighting! Its crazy! The most recentfight is over your new song "Stay". We are fighting over who it isabout. To stop this you really need to tell us because its killing us!
But really, as @NileyUP just tweeted me, "We do have the best family ever"
So PLEASE Nick, call Miley and PLEASE tell us who Stay is about!
Christy xoxo
Ps- Miley Jonas has a ring to it now doesn't it? =)"

"SO this is what went down at the concert : )

First we got to the arena and there was A LOT of girls there waiting toget tickets, and we just walked over and got our meet and greets .(it WAS FREEZING)

So we got inside and there was this really long line and we were in itfor like 10 minutes aha. So we got up, took pictures HE GAVE ME A HUG,then I gave him my letter, and I said "Please Read this." so he tookthe letter and put it in his back pocket!

During the concert, he sang BTS and look depressed, right after, hesang Stay. THENN he sang Conspiracacy Theory and then he said somethinglike "People want to know who my songs are about, well this one isabout aliens, but my other songs are for me, myself, and I to know andyou to find out." it was adorable and I was in tears!!

Then I jumped on the stage, but I didn't get too far. After we wentaround to the tour buses to meet him again but we didn't but wemoved the barricades! its was the best thing ever : ) ooh and he waswearing a beter pan hat yay.


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